Analyzing and comparing the two grade- ten mathematics textbooks versions (Arabic and English) used in Abu Dhabi schools
Yousef Abosalem 1 *
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1 Khalifa University, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES* Corresponding Author


This study was conducted to compare two grade- ten mathematics textbooks according to Bloom's Taxonomies. In the Arabic version, 37 out of 70 periods (55.29%) were given to plane geometry and trigonometry, whereas 29 out of 70 periods (41.41%) were allocated for geometry and trigonometry. Also, 12 periods (17.14%) were allocated for algebra in the Arabic version, whereas 19 periods (27.14%) in the English version. As concluded in the above percentages, more concentration was given to geometry in the Arabic version compared to Algebra in the English version. The results indicated that in the geometry chapter in the Arabic version, the educational objectives percentages ranged from 40.0 %( comprehension) to 8.75 (synthesis and evaluation), and 62.86 % of the educational objectives were in the lower levels of Bloom's Taxonomies. Whereas in the English version the Geometry chapter ranged from 45.65 % (application) to 10.87% (synthesis), and for the same chapters, 63.04 % were in the lower levels of Bloom's taxonomies. For the Algebra chapter, the objectives ranged from 56.25% (application) to 6.25 %( synthesis and evaluation) and from 47.62 % (application) to 4.76 % (comprehension and synthesis) in the Arabic and English versions respectively. With respect to educational objectives, 79.11 % of the educational objectives were at the application level in Arabic version compared to 93.27 % for the application in the English one.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2016, 13-25

Publication date: 23 Mar 2016

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