Use of Angle Model to Understand Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Muzwangowenyu Mukwambo 1 * , Kenneth Ngcoza 2, Lineo Florence Ramasike 2
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1 University of Namibia - Katima Mulilo Campus, Katima Mulilo, NAMIBIA2 Rhodes University, Grahamstown, SOUTH AFRICA* Corresponding Author


Learners in lower primary and even some in upper primary grades grapple to perform mathematical operations which involve fractions. Failure to solve these mathematical operations creates a gap in the teaching and learning processes of mathematics. We opine that this is attributed to use of traditional mathematical approaches of teaching and learning (TMATL) of operations of fraction. With the hope of engaging the reformed mathematical approach of teaching and learning (RMATL) this study investigated the following: How can trainee teachers use the angle model in RMATL operations of fractions? What are the perceptions of trainee teachers in the use of the angle model which engages RMATL to teach the operations of fractions? With the goal to fill the mentioned gap in which learners struggle to perform operations involving fractions, we observed and analysed worksheets on operation with fractions students wrote. Observations and interviews with trainee teachers of lower primary revealed poor performance in problems related to operations with fractions. Observed patterns supported by cognitivism revealed that invented methods or strategies on which RMATL is anchored are suitable enough to engage learner–centred teaching and learning which can prevent the abstractness of the concept of operations with fractions.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2018, Article No: 01

Publication date: 14 Feb 2018

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