The Effects of Genders of Prospective Teachers on their Attitudes towards Teaching Profession: A Meta-Analysis
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1 Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Niğde, TURKEY* Corresponding Author


One of the factors supporting the professional success of prospective teachers is their attitudes towards teaching profession. Many studies have been carried out on determining the attitudes of prospective teachers towards teaching profession. One of the main questions in those studies is to determine if the gender is effective or not. In this study, the meta-analysis was performed in order to determine the effects of gender on the attitudes of prospective teachers towards teaching profession between 2010 and 2015. As a result of database scanning, it has been seen that there were 34 publications that contain related data for meta-analysis. According to the performed analyses, it was concluded that there was no publication bias and it was required to perform analysis according to random effects model. According to meta-analysis results, the general impact level of the publications was 0.323 and they were at small size level. In other words, attitudes of female students towards teaching profession were higher than that of male students. According to the analyses from the aspect of score type of the departments, at which the prospective teachers were studying, it can be said that the differentiation by scores was significant and the attitudes of female and male students were similar in science-math scores. In analyses performed from the aspect of geographical regions of study, it was concluded that the differentiation was not significant.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2019, Article No: em0027

Publication date: 12 Mar 2019

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