Burkina Faso Secondary School Pre-Service Teachers Technology Skills
Moussa Moyenga 1 * , Ertuğrul Usta 2
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1 Graduate of Educational Sciences School; “Computer Education and Instructional Technology”, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY2 Head of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) Department Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY* Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the level of Burkina Faso secondary pre-service teachers’ technology skills. To reach the aim of the research quantitative research method has been used. Data was collected from 534 pre-service teachers of different departments with 429 male and 105 female from Burkina Faso secondary school teachers education in two institutes, the High Education School of Norbert Zongo University and Institute of Sciences of Ouaga II University on October 2017. Data were transferred to SPSS 22 for statistical descriptives test; t-test and ANOVA tests were applied. According to the results, Burkina Faso secondary pre-service teachers technology skills were so moderate in general and more particularly in basic computer operation (create, save copy and delete files etc…) in use of productivity software (MS Word, Excel, Power Point) and electronic communication (use of e-mail). But their level were low on multimedia (technique of integrating on same medium data of different natures as sound, text video and images…) and electronic references. Comparative analyzes in relation to some variables results indicted a significant difference between the gender; male were competent than female. Meaningful difference has been found between the pre-service teachers’ education level. The results showed that pre-service teachers with personal computers were more competent than those without computer. According to the fields of study the result showed significant differences. Technical department pre-service teachers were more competent compare to science, literature and sport department.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2019, Article No: em0028


Publication date: 15 Mar 2019

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