Didactic Engineering for the Treatment of Variation of Functions in Pre-University Level: The Increasing and Decreasing Cases
Noé Oswaldo Cabañas Ramírez 1 * , Edgardo Locia Espinoza 1, Armando Morales Carballo 1, Héctor Merino Cruz 1
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1 Autonomous University of Guerrero, MEXICO* Corresponding Author


This paper reports the results of the experimentation of a didactic engineering for the treatment of the sense of variation of functions with pre-university students. The theoretical references of the investigation are grounded in the theory of didactic situations and the methodological elements in the didactic engineering, the use of counterexample and the didactic strategy known as Scientific Debate in Mathematics Courses. As a result of the experiment, it was identified that the methodological resource allowed the students to develop construction processes of the concepts of increasing and decreasing functions; the dynamic context fostered intuitive ideas of increment and decrement, and intuition about the conditions involved; the debate and counterexample on the graphic and algebraic treatments allowed the establishment of the conditions that structure the formal definition of these concepts.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2020, Article No: em0055


Publication date: 21 Mar 2020

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