Anatomical Education Using Marine Products for Elementary School Students
Ayano Omura 1 *
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1 Department of Art, Nihon University College of Art, 2-24-1, Asahigaoka Nerima-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN* Corresponding Author


Anatomical education is very important in understanding the internal structure of the body and the mechanism of life, especially for the medical profession, including nursing. However, in Japan, students have a few opportunities of getting anatomical education using animals before they enter university. The different step-by-step anatomical curriculum needs to be created for elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university students. However, it is difficult to perform anatomical education widely, particularly with bioethics problems and students who often have an aversion to dissected animals. Therefore, it is considered very useful to introduce anatomical education using marine products, which are more familiar. In particular, fish have the same basic structure as vertebrates, so they are useful for understanding the bodies of vertebrate animals, including the human body. Also, the use of marine products other than fish can deepen students’ understanding of the structure of organisms of various systems. Therefore, in this study, we conducted anatomical lectures from functional morphology and ecological point of view, using marine products as teaching materials for elementary school children. To prevent students’ aversion, the marine products were wrapped, which also reduced the smell. Students actively learned the internal structure of fishes, cephalopods, and shellfish, without aversion. According to our questionnaire survey, most participants reported that their impression and comprehension of the course was excellent or good. The use of “seafood” as teaching material for young learners was found to be very useful for anatomical education.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 4, Issue 4, October 2019, Article No: em0045

Publication date: 28 Sep 2019

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