The Use of Museum Specimens for Marine Education
Ayano Omura 1 *
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1 Department of Design, Nihon University College of Art, Tokyo, JAPAN* Corresponding Author


Today, the necessity of marine education is being stated. Especially raising awareness about biodiversity is important in marine education. Museums not only house exhibits but also have the function of storing specimens. They hold specimens not available to the public daily that can be used for educational and research purposes. Samples of creatures that are difficult to keep and of unusual organisms are often stored in museums. Also, since immersion specimens do not move, they are suitable for observation. The forms of fish are especially diverse. Observations of fish of various forms facilitate the understanding of fish morphology and awareness of biodiversity. Therefore, we conducted a marine biology course using museum fish specimens. In that course, in order to encourage learners’ activeness, we implemented quizzes and organized sessions with story nature. Before the lecture, the awareness of the morphology of the fish was low. The lecture was able to make the diversity of fish form understanding. Learners actively attended, observed and deepened their understanding. Also, we were able to tell learners about the function of the museum. It was found that the use of museum specimens is beneficial for observing precious biological specimens.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 4, Issue 3, July 2019, Article No: em0035

Publication date: 29 Jun 2019

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