The Application of Meta-Analytic SEM on Exploring Factors that Influence Teachers’ Usage of Interactive Whiteboard
Yi-Horng Lai 1 *
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1 Department of Healthcare Administration, Oriental Institute of Technology, New Taipei City, TAIWAN* Corresponding Author


Background: Interactive whiteboard (IWB) is an important tool in computer-assisted instruction (CAI). Interactive whiteboard is an electronic instructional and interactive technology designed by use for teachers. Some studies declare that teachers’ behaviors in using interactive whiteboard only be infected by perceived usefulness, for teachers are a relatively profession. Material and methods: This paper integrated the 27 studies that used technology acceptance model (TAM) with meta-analytic structural equation modelling (Meta-Analytic SEM). Results: The estimate of perceived usefulness (PU) to Perceived ease of use (PEOU) is 0.585 (p-value<0.001). The estimate of PU to attitude (ATT) is 0.693 (p-value<0.001). The estimate of PU to behavioral intentions (BI) is 0.573 (p-value<0.001). The estimate of PEOU to ATT is 0.663 (p-value<0.001). The estimate of PEOU to BI is 0.549 (p-value<0.001). The estimate of ATT to BI is 0.663 (p-value<0.001). Conclusions: PEOU has a positive effect on PU and ATT toward using interactive whiteboard. PU has a positive effect on attitude toward using interactive whiteboard and BI to use interactive whiteboard. Attitude toward using interactive whiteboard has a positive effect on and BI to use interactive whiteboard.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 4, Issue 3, July 2019, Article No: em0038

Publication date: 22 Jul 2019

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