In this study, the aim is to examine how special education provided for students within inclusive education has continued at home during the pandemic. This study has employed phenomenology as the research method because this design enables researchers to make in-depth analysis and description. Purposeful sampling method was utilized to determine the participants of the study. Research participants consists of 15 voluntary parents of students with special needs who continued their education through inclusive education conducted in general education classes. Participating parents’ children were between 9-to-14 years of age and were studying at a grade between the 3rdand 8th grades. Research data have been collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by inductive method. research results have shown that all students, including those with special needs, have continued their schooling via distance education provided by Turkish Ministry of National Education through EBA TV and the official website of the Ministry. In addition, participants have reported that some teachers conducted online lessons and shared worksheets with all students via the WhatsApp group. However, several issues of concern have also been noted as follows: students with special needs could not follow the lessons on TV regularly, many of them did not attend online lessons, and their teachers did not give feedback about their activities. Moreover, none of the students with special needs received support education services, and there was no communication and cooperation among teachers, families, and students. Furthermore, the findings have indicated that children were unwilling and unable to adapt to distance education.
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Article Type: Research Article
PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2021, Article No: em0088
Publication date: 03 Jan 2021
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