Library Services for the Poor: Theoretical Framework for Library Social Responsibility
Aliza Racelis 1 *
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1 University of the Philippines, Virata School of Business, University of the Philippines, Diliman, 1101 Quezon City, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author


Organizations are being called upon to take responsibility for the ways their operations impact societies especially the marginalized sectors. Libraries are not exempt from such social responsibility. The paper proposes a theoretical framework for Library Social Responsibility. The paper briefly traces the history of library services for the poor. Then, through such literature review, it identifies the common characteristics of the inclusive services and puts these together in a conceptual framework. The approach is, thus, inductive. The paper’s proposed theoretical framework for workable and potentially successful library services for the poor includes the following elements: 1) Planning process and Critical discourse; 2) Informational justice (as part of social justice), and 3) Assistive technologies and Inclusive education. It is hoped that all --librarians and library users alike-- may take inspiration from this work so that they may do all they can to provide services to the poor, keeping especially in mind the success factors of the existing libraries' work for the poor and marginalized, as set forth in this paper.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2018, Article No: 06

Publication date: 13 May 2018

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