Inquiry-based Learning and its Possibilities for Primary Schools with fewer Digital Resources – A Qualitative Study
Manuela Heindl 1 *
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1 Technical University Dresden, Weberplatz 5, 01217 Dresden, GERMANY* Corresponding Author


Although there is evidence of an improvement in students’ learning achievements in inquiry-based learning sessions compared to traditional lessons, the influence of technology and its possibilities for poorly-equipped schools, needs to be analysed. The research question was, ‘Which effective practices emerge when students use digital, as opposed to analogue, technology in an inquiry-based learning setting?’ To investigate this, a treatment group used digital technology and the control group used worksheets instead, to solve a scientific architectural problem in the creative subject ‘arts and crafts’. Students were observed and teachers were interviewed. The study concludes that there is no disadvantage for primary school-aged children with access to few digital technologies. The same is true for rural and disadvantaged areas. The paper concludes, based on viewing these practices, that using digital technologies in inquiry-based learning can be beneficial for working independently, for being involved actively and for boosting a discussion when researching.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 3, Issue 3, July 2018, Article No: 12

Publication date: 31 Oct 2018

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