Exploring Teachers’ Perception on Successes and Challenges Associated with Digital Teaching Practice During COVID-19 Pandemic School Closures
Sadaf Taimur 1 * , Hassan Sattar 2 3, Erin Dowd 4
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1 Graduate Program in Sustainability Science-Global Leadership Initiative, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, JAPAN2 Silver Oaks International Education Services Group, UAE3 Silver Oaks International Education Services Group, PAKISTAN4 JRNEY Consulting, New Hampshire, USA* Corresponding Author


The current phenomenological study was undertaken, during the COVID-19 pandemic induced school closures, with the purpose to explore successes and challenges of implementing virtual education and collecting suggestions for improving virtual teaching practice. Data was collected using purposive sampling via social media, using open-ended survey. 141 teachers, teaching kindergarten and elementary school, from different regions submitted their responses. In our research findings, three success themes and five major challenges have emerged from the voice of teachers experiencing a rapid and unprepared shift to virtual education. Suggestions for improving digital education revolved around engagement strategies, training, access, school policies and collaboration among teachers. The finding of the research can help in informing areas of focus for reimagining the approach to education for an uncertain future.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 6, Issue 4, October 2021, Article No: em0105


Publication date: 06 Oct 2021

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