Evaluation of Preschool Education Program According to CIPP Model
Mehmet Basaran 1 * , Busra Dursun 1 , Hatice Damla Gur Dortok 1 , Gokhan Yilmaz 1
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1 Gaziantep University, TURKEY* Corresponding Author


The main purpose of the research is the evaluation of the pre-school education program according to CIPP (context, input, process, and product) model belongs to Stufflebeam. Parallel design form mixed research methods was used in the research. Quantitative data of the research were collected from 122 preschool teachers working in public or private schools in 2019 – 2020 academic years. Qualitative data were collected from 10 pre-school teachers via an online interview with the help of a semi-structured interview form. In the research, ‘Preschool Education Program Evaluation Scale’ and ‘semi-structured interview forms’ prepared by the researchers were used as data collection tools. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the teachers stated the most negative opinions in the context dimension. Teachers stated that there is not enough equipment to organize learning centers in this dimension, and the physical characteristics of schools are not sufficient for pre-school education. Although generally positive opinions were expressed in the input dimension, it was revealed that the individual differences of the children and the family factor were not taken into account in the program. Finally, when we look at the product dimension, it was stated by the teachers that preschool education facilitates the school orientation of children and is effective in preparing children for primary school, but pre-school education is not effective in solving the problems arising from the family.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2021, Article No: em0091


Publication date: 13 Feb 2021

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