The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every sphere of human life including education. Educational institutes all over the world are faced with the unique challenge to keep running the education amidst the lockdowns and social distancing. This has resulted in an unprecedented shift to the alternate mode of instructional delivery. This is a temporary shift in the mode of delivery as a result of the crisis or emergency situation. The present paper discussed the implications of one of such crisis pedagogies of remote learning during the COVID-19 propelled closure of the tertiary institutions in Australia. The effectiveness of emergency remote learning (ERL) was assessed through the online survey. The participants were international students, the majority, at the time of the survey were in Australia and doing postgraduate course in project management. To assess the overall effectiveness, the solicited opinions were analyzed under five headings: students’ perception, curriculum, feedback, quality, and technology & resource. The ERL model adopted in this study has two components: self-paced asynchronous learning and faculty-guided synchronous learning. The aim of the self-paced asynchronous learning was to provide the student access to learning and teaching materials which they could use safely, reliably and remotely, and later used those in their learning at their own pace. Similarly, the aim of the synchronous learning was to provide an interactive learning experience as in face-to-face teaching through faculty-guided live session. The result of the present study reveals that students perceived the ERL quite positively and are satisfied with the overall online learning and reported that transition to online learning from face-to-face was smooth and without much of the issue.
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Article Type: Research Article
PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2021, Article No: em0094
Publication date: 03 Apr 2021
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