Chemistry teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in teaching hybridization
Huaru Alhassan Marifa 1 * , Moses Abdullai Abukari 2 , Jonathan Ayelsoma Samari 2 , Philip Dorsah 2 , Fatao Abudu 2
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1 Department of Science, Dr. Hilla Limann Senior High School, Gwollu, GHANA2 Department of Science Education, School of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Science, Navrongo, GHANA* Corresponding Author


Pedagogical content knowledge, PCK, a concept in teacher education requires additional focus and attention by pre-tertiary teachers to improve teaching and learning and learners’ performance. The study adopted PCK model developed by Magnusson et al. (1999) to investigate senior high school (SHS) chemistry teachers PCK in teaching the concept of hybridization. The study adopted a qualitative approach using the case study design. Six chemistry teachers from six SHSs in the Upper West Region of Ghana were purposively sampled for the study. Semi- structured interviews, lesson plans analysis and observations were used as data collection instruments. Data was analyzed using content analysis. The findings reveal that most of the teachers have high knowledge of instructional strategies and knowledge of the science curriculum. In addition, it was revealed that many of the teachers have inadequate knowledge in their orientation towards science teaching, assessment of scientific knowledge, and in knowledge of students understanding of science. It was concluded that the teachers’ PCK was inadequate since knowledge of instructional strategies and knowledge of curriculum alone does not define an effective science teacher. The study recommended that in-service professional training in PCK should be organized for teachers to improve their classroom practices.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 8, Issue 3, July 2023, Article No: em0162

Online publication date: 06 Apr 2023

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